Monday, September 29, 2008

Deposit Required starting 2009

Starting in January, if you book a session with me, I will send you a pay pal request of the sitting fee. You must pay upfront.

I have found that it gets me into trouble by trusting people to keep their appointment. I have taken appointments and then people/customers have failed to keep their date or they want to switch. I am boooked and have no leg room in the Fall.

It is very hard on me because I am a small business owner and there is only one of me. I could shoot photos all day if I wanted too but I have a family.

So I have now decided to have EVERYONE pay the sitting fee by paypal in order to keep the date. It is NON REFUNDABLE if you do not show up or cancel. I love to take pictures but I also depend on this money.

Thanks for understanding!!

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